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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The artist used VIVID colors in the painting. It made it stand out in the room that otherwise was all white.
Her little brother felt nervous about flying on the airplane. She REASSURED him by telling him how safe and fun flying was
Being several inches taller than the other players on his team gave him a DISTINCT advantage in basketball
Not a single plant or animal could be seen on the BARREN land. It was just miles and miles of sand and rocks
Katie had not ANTICIPATED the storm. so she was unprepared to walk home in the rain
Talia felt so INEPT in ballet class as everyone looked so graceful and she couldn't even do the most simple steps
The dessert TERRAIN was dry and sandy and filled with rocks and boulders.
Paul felt REMORSE every time he though about that day and how he wished he had stood up to that bully and not run away
Harold was never late for school as he left PRECISELY at 7:34 every morning and arrived just before the bell rang
The prisoner was always hungry as he was only given a MEAGER bowl of rice and a cup of water
Mr Carol divided the class into four groups and DESIGNATED one student in each group to be the leadrer
The BOISTEROUS children were running around the room screaming and acting like wild animals
When Carlos got COVID, he had to stay away from his brothers so that he wouldn't CONTAMINATE them
After the war was over, the soldiers LIBERATED all the prisoners and allowed them to return to their families safely
After the hurricane, people return to their destroyed homes to SALVAGE as much of their belongings as they could
Carol was in a PREDICAMENT. She had told two boys she would go to the dance with them, and now didn't know what to do.
Everyone was now wearing the high top Nikes to school. Jesse was the first one to do it, but everyone forgot the idea ORIGINATED with her
been made popular
Jose love all animals except he LOATHED cats and refused to even be in the room if there was a cat in it!
Everyone knew that Jason would get the lead in the play. He was the best actor in the class, it was INEVITABLE
Mrs Walker ACCUMULATED a lot of books over the years. She was almost running out of space on her bookshelf to hold them all
We are DEPLETING the earth's reserves of oil. Some day there will not be any left
using up
Grandpa was in a JOVIAL mood, making jokes and laughing all morning.
In order to be ELIGIBLE for the life guard program, you had to pass a test showing that you were an excellent swimmer.
As the students GENERATED ideas for the project, Mr Andrews wrote each one on the board
came up with
Dan did not enjoy his job as a dishwasher. It was MONOTONOUS work doing the same thing over and over.
The river was usually easy to walk across, but all the rain made for high water and it was TREACHEROUS to walk across
David knew the advanced math class would be RIGOROUS. It would take a lot of focus and study
The author JK Rowling is a PROMINENT writer in the field of children's literature
Carol was feeling APPREHENSIVE about the camping trip. She had never slept outside before and didn't know what to expect
There was some CONTROVERSY about the new dress code. Parents liked it but students did not!