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Unit 7 Touchstone 1 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who's playing today?
Messi is playing.
Are you reading a book this week?
Are you studying a lot these days?
Are you working hard this month?
Is there a lot of snow in the picture?
Yes, there is a lot of snow.
Is she taking a break and relaxing?
No, she's not taking a break and relaxing.
Who's the man talking to?
He's talking to a boy.
What's the weather like? Is it rainy or windy?
It's windy/It's a windy day.
It's raining, so is it dry or wet in the picture?
It's wet.
What is the boy in the picture doing? Where is he?
He's studying. He's at home.
Is it humid or dry? Is the Saara Desert dry?
It's dry. Yes, it is. Saara Desert is really dry.
Are they watching a soccer match or a football match?
They're watching a football match.
Where are they watching the game?
They're watching the game at home.
Are they watching a concert or a game?
They're watching a game.
They're playing....
They're playing....
They're doing.....
weight training.
He's playing.....
They're doing.....
He's playing....
Is he running? What is he doing?
He's not running. He's swimming.
What's the weather like today? What is happening now?
It's rainy. It's raining right now.
Are they having fun? What's the weather like?
Yes, they are. They're having a lot of fun. It's sunny and warm.
What is the girl doing? Where is she?
She's calling someone. She's at home.
What are the girls playing? What's the weather like?
They're playing tennis. It's hot and sunny.
What are the boys doing? Where are they? Is it cold or hot?
They're having fun. They're at the beach. It's hot.
What are they doing? What's the weather like?
They're skiing. It's cold.
What's the woman doing?
She's working at the office.