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Past Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He loves the gift she gives him.
He loved the gift she gave him.
They include him in their camping trip.
They included him in their game.
The police stop him.
The police stopped him.
They offer him a job. He takes it.
They offered him a job. He took it.
He imagines getting a new job.
He imagined getting a new job.
She draws many pictures.
She drew many pictures.
She understands English during class.
She understood English during class.
They build a house.
They built a house.
He sends a letter to his mom.
He sent a letter to his mom.
He falls in his dream.
He fell in his dream.
The plants grow a lot.
The plants grew a lot.
She reads the whole book.
She read the whole book.
He speaks to the stranger.
He spoke to the stranger.
They sit on the wall and talk.
They sat on the wall and talked.
I set my coffee mug down.
I set my coffee mug down.
I mean to say food, but I do not remember the word.
I meant to say food, but I didn't remember the word.
He hears his mom calling. He ignores her.
He heard his mom calling. He ignored her.
He opens the door and lets you in.
He opened the door and let you in.
They stand in line for many hours.
They stood in line for many hours.
He holds the baby.
He held the baby.
He keeps many notes of what to do.
He kept many notes of what to do.
He becomes a doctor after thinking about it for years.
He became a doctor after thinking about it for years.
He tells her a secret.
He told her a secret.
He gets a present.
He got a present.
His team lose. He is sad.
His team lost. He was sad.
She puts on her jacket.
She put on her jacket.
She dance as a child.
She danced as a child.
He is a child when we move to America.
He was a child when we moved to America.
I teach classes every night.
I taught classes every night.
I buy fruits and vegetables for the week.
I bought fruits and vegetables for the week.
I write notes in English and Spanish.
I wrote notes in English and Spanish.
I go to Walmart to shop.
I went to Walmart to shop.
They feel happy. They win the game.
They felt happy. They won the game.
I pay for my groceries with cash.
I paid for my groceries with cash.
I think about my family often.
I thought about my family often.
She has a cat.
She had a cat.
She wakes up feeling happy.
She woke up feeling happy.
The money freezes in the ice.
The money froze in the ice.
The cat hides in the box.
The cat hid in the box.
She sings her favorite songs.
She sang her favorite songs.
She drinks coffee all day.
She drank coffee all day.
He finds money in his pocket.
He found money in his pocket.
She cuts his hair.
She cut his hair.
I do my homework.
I did my homework.
He hit the baseball out of the park.
He hit the baseball out of the park.
The baby sleeps all night.
The baby slept all night.
They meet at a party.
They met at a party.
She begins to read a new book.
She began to read a new book.
He comes to class every day.
He came to class every day.
He put away his toys.
He put away his toys.
He leaves school at three.
He left school at three.
He drives to work every day.
He drove to work every day.
She takes pictures of her family.
She took pictures of her family.
Simon says he is not coming to class.
Simon said he is not coming to class.
She wears a scarf.
She wore a scarf.
She makes many crafts.
She made many crafts.
They cook dinner in the kitchen.
They cooked dinner in the kitchen.
She gives him a present.
She gave him a present.
He feels sad.
He felt sad.
She moves to the city.
She moved to the city.
She knows the past tense in English.
She knew the past tense in English.
She runs in the park.
She ran in the park.
She eats dinner.
She ate dinner.
She practices the piano.
She practiced the piano.
She sees her friends.
She saw her friends.