Edit Game
B1+ Unit 6

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which sports involve the place pitch?
baseball, football, hockey, cricket
Which sports involve overtake?
running, motor racing, cycle racing
Which sports involve tackle?
football, hockey, rugby
What activities do you do to make works of art in 3D:
What activities do you do to make still images in 2D:
sketching, web design, digital photography
What activities do you do to make moving images:
animation, filmmaking
What activities do you do to make useful things for the home:
pottery, carpentry
What activities do you do to make things to wear:
jewellery making, fashion design
You have a ____ before a performance, to practise.
You can play a ____ to make music.
musical instrument
A ___ is a person who writes music.
Did you take place in/part in/point in the competition?
part in
Have you tried up/off/out your new video game?
We often kick a ball around the park, but Chris never joins up/off/in.
Please sign on/up/over by Thursday if you want to be in the show.
What's going on/in/up after school this week?
The ____ of a new skate park in town would be very popular with local teenagers.
We're having a big ___ on Friday, because our team has won all its matches this year.
The ___ of so many pop stars in the campaign helped to get the issues discussed on TV.
If he enters the dancing ___, he'll probably win.
We've got all the ____ we need to cut stones for the jewellery.
Have you received an ___ to the sports club party?
Anyone who can write novels must have a fantastic ____.
It was ___ when the show was cancelled. Everyone has been looking forward to it.