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present simple vs continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We must tell you something... We have / are having a baby!!!
are having
They are having / have two children.
The new season of my favourite series is coming out / comes out on the 25th of March! Yay!
comes out
Grandpa gets / is getting weaker and weaker every time we are coming / come to see him. I'm really worried.
is getting /// come
I don't use / I'm not using Netflix very often but now I watch / I'm watching an amazing series!
don't use /// I'm watching
I can't give it back to you. I'm still reading / I still read it.
I'm still reading
I'm never getting up / I never get up before sunrise.
I never get up
My mum's friend is calling / calls her every weekend to exchange some juicy gossips.
Hold on! My mum is calling / calls me!
is calling
Next weekend I'm going / I go to Cracow to meet my best friend.
I'm going
My favourite author's new book is coming out / comes out on Friday. I'm so excited!
comes out
Hurry up! The train is leaving / leaves in 5 minutes!
is leaving