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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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住讜祝 住讜祝 谞专讗讛 诇讬 砖讛讜讗 诪爪诇讬讞 诇讛讘讬谉 讗转 讛讞讜诪专
at last it seems that he is starting to understand the material
"诪讛砖讬专 - "住讜祝 住讜祝 讗讛讘转讬 讛讙讬注讛
From the song -" at last - My love has come along"
讘住讜驻讜 砖诇 讚讘专 讛诐 讬爪专讻讜 诇讛讞讝讬专 讗转 讛讻住祝
Eventually they will have to return the money
住讜祝 住讜祝 住讬讬诪转讬 讗转 讛驻专讜讬拽讟 - 注讘讚转讬 注诇讬讜 讞讜讚砖讬讬诐
I finally finished the project - I worked on it for two months
讛拽砖 讛讗讞专讜谉 讛讬讛 诇驻谞讬 砖讘讜注讬讬诐
The last straw happened two weeks ago
讛诐 讛转讞转谞讜 讘住讜祝, 讗讞专讬 砖讬爪讗讜 4 砖谞讬诐
they finally got married, after dating for 4 years
讛诪砖讗诇讛 砖诇讛 讛转拽讬讬诪讛 住讜祝 住讜祝
Her wish came true at last / finally came true
讘住讜驻讜 砖诇 讚讘专 砖谞讬 讛爪讚讚讬诐 讛讞诇讜 讗转 讛诪讜"诪
At last, both sides began the negotaiations
讛讜讗 讞讬讻讛 诇拽讬讚讜诐 讛讝讛, 砖住祝 住讜祝 讛讙讬注 讞讜讚砖 砖注讘专
He waited for this promotion, which finally came last month
住讜祝 住讜祝 讛讘谞讬讬讛 讛住转讬诪讛, 讛诐 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇注讘讜专 讞讜讚砖 讛讘讗
Construction has finally ended, they can move in next month
讛诪砖讞拽 讛讗讞专讜谉 诇讗 讬讻讜诇 诇讛住转讬讬诐 讘转讬拽讜
The final game can not end in a tie
讛讘讬拽讜砖 讬专讚 注诐 讛讝诪谉 讜讘住讜祝 讛诐 住讙专讜
the demand declined over time and eventually they closed
住讜祝 住讜祝 讛讜讗 讛爪讬注 诇讛 谞讬砖讜讗讬诐
He finally proposed to her
住讜祝 住讜祝 拽讬讘诇谞讜 讗转 讛讗讬砖讜专 诇讛讝诪谞讛
We finally got the order confirmation
讗转讛 讻讜注住 注讻砖讬讜 讗讘诇 讘住讜祝 转砖诇讬诪讜
You're angry now but eventually you will make up
讘住讜祝 讛讗专讜讞讛 讛讞砖讘讜谉 讛讙讬注 讜讛讬谞讜 讛诪讜诪讬诐
At the end of the meal the bill arrived and we were stunned
讛讜讗 注讘专 诇诪砖专讚 讞讚砖 诇驻谞讬 讞讜讚砖, 讛讜讗 讬转专讙诇 讗诇讬讜 讘住讜祝
He moved to a new office a month ago, he will get used to it eventually
讞讬讻讬谞讜 讘转讜专 砖注转讬讬诐, 讜讘住讜祝 诇讗 谞砖讗专讜 讻专讟讬住讬诐
We waited in line for two hours, and in the end there were no tickets left
住讜祝 住讜祝 讛讙注转! 讛转讞诇转讬 诇讚讗讜讙
You've finally arrived! I was getting worried
诇拽讞 诇讬 讝诪谉 讗讘诇 讘住讜祝 诇讬诪讚转讬 讗转 讛讙讜专 诇讛转谞讛讙 讬驻讛
It took me a while but in the end I taught the puppy to behave nicely
讛讜讗 讛转拽讚诐 诇讗讟 讗讘诇 讘住讜祝 讛爪诇讬讞
he progreesed slowly but eventually he succeeded
讗讞专讬 讛拽讜专讜谞讛 住讜祝 住讜祝 谞讜讻诇 诇讟讜住 诇讞讜"诇
after the Corona we wiil finally be able to fly abroad
诪讛 拽专讛 讘住讜祝 讛住专讟
what happen in the end of the movie
讛讬讗 诇诪讚讛 讛诪讜谉 讝诪谉 - 住讜祝 住讜祝 讛讬讗 转拽讘诇 讗转 讛转讜讗专
she studied for a long time - she will finally get her degree
讬讛讬讛 拽砖讛 讗讱 讘住讜祝 转转专讙诇
it will be hard bet eventually you will get used to it
讛诪谞讛 讛讗讞专讜谞讛 讛讬转讛 讛讻讬 讟注讬诪讛
the final dish was the most delicious
讛诐 专讘讜 讛专讘讛 讗讱 讘住讜祝 谞讛讬讜 讞讘专讬诐
they fought a lot but eventually became friends
讛讜讗 住讜祝 住讜祝 讬谞讞转 讘讗专抓 诪讞专
he will finally land in Israel tomorrow
讛驻专拽 讛讗讞专讜谉 讛讬讛 诪讜转讞
the final episode was thrilling
住讜祝 住讜祝 专讗讬转讬 讗转 讛住专讟
i finally saw the movie