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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's that place?
It's a bar / pub.
Where does the firefighter work?
The firefighter works at the fire station / firehouse.
Where are they?
They're at the toy store.
Where can those people be?
They can be at a park.
Where's he?
He's at the airport.
Where are they?
They're at the aquarium.
Where does the librarian work?
The librarian works at the library.
Where's this place?
It's the bookstore / bookshop.
Where's this place.
It's the (shopping) mall.
Where's this place?
It's the restaurant.
Where can those people be?
They can be at a market.
Where are they?
They're at the supermarket / grocery store.
Where's this place?
It's the post office.
Where are they?
They're at the museum.
What's that place?
It's the movie theatre / cinema.
A restaurant that serves mainly pizzas is called ___ .
A pizzeria
Where does the police work?
The police works at the police station.
Where's this place?
It's the hospital.
Where can she be?
She can be at a hair salon / hairdresser's.
What's that place?
It's the beach.
Which place sells bread and cakes?
The bakery / baker's.
Where's this place?
It's the amusement park.
Where does she work?
She works at the pharmacy / chemist's / drugstore.
Where's this place?
It's the hotel.
Where are they swimming?
They're swimming at the pool.
Where are they?
They're at the flower shop / florist's.
What's that place?
It's the coffee shop / café.