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Irregular verbs

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to hear
to hear, heard = a auzi
to have
to have, had = a avea
to go
to go, went = a merge
to grow
to grow, grew = a crește
to give
to give, gave = a da
to get
to get, got = a primi
to freeze
to freeze, froze = a îngheța
to forgive
to forgive, forgave = a ierta
to forget
to forget , forgot = a uita
to fly
to fly , flew = a zbura
to find
to find, found = a găsi
to fight
to fight, fought = a se lupta
to feel
to feel, felt = a simți
to feed
to feed, fed = a hrăni
to fall
to fall, fell = a cădea
to eat
to eat, ate = a mânca
to drive
to drive, drove = a conduce
to drink
to drink, drank = a bea
to dream
to dream,./ dreamt/dreamed = a visa
to draw
to draw, drew = a desena
to do
to do, did = a face
to cut
to cut, cut = a tăia
to cost
to cost, cost = a costa
to come
to come, came = a veni
to choose
to choose, chose = a alege
to catch
to catch, caught = a prinde
to buy
to buy, bought = a cumpăra
to burn
to burn, burned/burnt = a arde
to build
to build, built = a construi
to bring
to bring, brought = a aduce
to break
to break, broke = a sparge
to blow
to blow, blew = a sufla
to bleed
to bleed, bled = a sângera
to bite
to bite, bit = a mușca
to bet
to bet, bet = a paria
to bend
to bend, bent = a îndoi
to begin
to begin, began = a începe
to become
to become, became = a deveni
to beat
to beat, beat = a bate
to be
to be , was\were = a fi