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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ……………………… ( be) an English teacher.
Clara and Steve ………………………( not be) married.
are not
That ………………………( not be) right.
is not
We ………………………( not be) from Ukraine.
are not
There ……………………… ( be) a pen on the desk.
They ………………………( not be) Korean.
are not
I ………………………( be) at home now.
It ………………………( not be) cold today.
is not
I _______ (not be) a good girl
am not
You are so beautiful. => Yes - No question
Are you so beautiful? Yes, I am - No, I am not
We are children. => Negative sentences
We are not children.
That cup is so expensive. => Negative sentence
That cup is not so expensive.
They are Christmas trees. => Yes - No question
Are they Christmas trees? Yes, they are - No, they are not
This coat is so pretty => Negative sentence
This coat is not so pretty.
Giraffes_____________( be) very tall.
Mr Green_____________( be) a doctor.
Susan_____________( not be) a good friend.
is not
We_____________( be) 10 years old.
Mary and I_____________( not be) cousins.
are not
You and your family________( be) kind?
Are ......
I_____________(be) a boy.
Rex_____________( not be) a lively dog.
is not
They_____________(be) students.
He_____________( not be) my brother.
is not