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Structured Talks - Art

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do some artists chose to never show their works to others?
Teacher and Ss grading
How has the internet affected people's access to art and design?
Teacher and Ss grading
What effect has the Internet had on the music industry?
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Should people study art from other cultures?
Teacher and Ss grading
Is art more important now than it used to be?
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Should people have to pay to visit art galleries?
Teacher and Ss grading
How can art be used as a therapy for people with health problems?
Teacher and Ss grading
Should artists be allowed to say whatever they want?
Teacher and Ss grading
Do pop stars deserve the attention they receive?
Teacher and Ss grading
Why do some governments not want to spend money on the arts?
Teacher and Ss grading
Why might parents stop their children following a career in the arts?
Teacher and Ss grading
What kind of art do you enjoy?
Teacher and Ss grading
What are the traditional art forms in your country?
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How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?
Teacher and Ss grading
What makes a good painting?
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How can governments protect ancient sites?
Teacher and Ss grading
What can archaeologists learn from ancient art objects?
Teacher and Ss grading
Where do archaeologists often find ancient art?
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What can you learn about a culture from its art?
Teacher and Ss grading
Why do styles of art change over time?
Teacher and Ss grading
What should government do to support the arts?
Teacher and Ss grading
In what ways are artists important in society?
Teacher and Ss grading
Why do you think secondary schools give arts subjects a low priority?
Teacher and Ss grading
What can young people learn from doing art at school?
Teacher and Ss grading
How popular is art as a school subject?
Teacher and Ss grading