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Make a sentence

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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is / job / dangerous / their (+)
Their job is dangerous.
like / does/ he / not / letters / writing
He doesn't like writing letters.
his / my / seldom / room / brother/ tidies (+)
My brother seldom tidies his room.
miss / friends / do / your / often / you (?)
Do you often miss your friends?
snow / there / much / is / winter / in (?)
Is there much snow in winter?
mom / often / her / calls / she (+)
She often calls her mom.
study / we / not / at / weekends / do (-)
We don't study at weekends.
teeth / twice / I / a / brush / day / my (+)
I brush my teeth twice a day.
evenings / you / watch / in / do / TV / the (?)
Do you watch TV in the evenings?
like / my / travelling / parents (+)
My parents like travelling.
can / phone / I / not / my / find (-)
I can't find my phone.
Paris / not / she / in / does /live (-)
She doesn't live in Paris.
at / work / office / he / does (?)
Does he work at office?
people / street / are / many / there / the / in (+)
There are many people in the street.
not / lesson / interesting / the / is (-)
The lesson is not interesting.
family / at / our / is / home (+)
Our family is at home.
new / these / are / toys (?)
Are these toys new?
in / is / a / basket / there / the / ball (+)
There is a ball in the basket.