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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She usually ______________ (to wear) red t-shirts, but today, she ______________ (to wear) a blue t-shirt.
wears, is wearing
She ______________ (to visit) her aunt every week
________________________(she / to work) in hospital on Sundays?
Does she work
______________________( you / always / draw) in your diary?
Do you always
Robin ______________ (to wait) for you in the kitchen.
is waiting
Please, be quiet, I ______________ (to talk) to your aunt on the phone
am talking
No, I ______________ (not to come) with you now, I ______________ (to go) with Tom
am not coming, am going
She ______________ (not to like) my dog because I ______________ (not to like) her cat
doesn't, don't
Mary usually ______________ (to have) dinner at seven, but today she ______________ (to have) dinner at nine
has, is having
______________ (we-to go) to the cinema next Sunday?
Are we going
Look! That cat ______________ (to eat) all your food
is eating
My friend ______________ (not to eat) vegetables, he ______________ (not to like) them
doesn't eat, doesn't like
I usually ______________ (to have) cornflakes for breakfast
I ______________ (to have) a party next week
am having
Where ______________ (you - to live)?
do you live?
I ______________ (to go) to the zoo this afternoon
am going