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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He warned us TO WATCH OUT/ WATCH OUT for internet scams. I guess we should have listened.
to watch out
I dislike people MAKING/ TO MAKE decisions for me when I can make them myself.
We’ve arranged for you DEPARTING / TO DEPART at 5.00 tonight.
to depart
I would hate for you TO THINK / THINKING that we’d forgotten you.
to think
He has advised TO US /US to keep the party a secret.
I’d like you TO SEND /SEND me a confirmation email for this transaction.
Would you mind TAKING/ TAKE your shoes off? I've just cleaned the floor.
Please let me TO COME/ COME with you. I am bored all on my own.
They’d better not keep me TO WAIT / WAITING. I’m too busy to waste time sitting here.
My uncle advised me TO VISIT /VISITING Italy before the weather gets too hot.
to visit
He’s waiting for his train ARRIVING / TO ARRIVE.
to arrive
He dislikes people MAKE/ MAKING a noise while he’s studying.
I would hate him THINKING/ TO THINK I’m not interested in his project.
to think
EVEN IF / PROVIDED that I win the lottery, I will still go to work every day.
even if
I’ll tell you everything as long as you WILL PROMISE / PROMISE not to laugh at me.
Had I known it was your birthday, I would HAVE MADE / MADE a cake.
have made
SUPPOSE / SUPPOSING you got lost and couldn’t find your way home. What would you do?
I would CALL / HAVE CALLED to say I was going to be late if I hadn’t lost my mobile.
have called
If we HAVE / HAD two more people, we’d have enough to play a proper football match.
Provided Mel BROUGHT / BRINGS his guitar tomorrow, we’re going to have a sing-along.