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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You didn't take the right bus.
You took the right bus.
She didn't think about it.
She thought about it.
He didn't know her.
He knew her.
I didn't make plans.
I made plans.
I didn't get a good score.
I got a good score.
We didn't go to the party.
We went to the party.
They didn't say it was a problem.
They said it was a problem.
He didn't do a good job.
He did a good job.
She didn't have a meeting this morning.
She had a meeting this morning.
They cut costs at their company.
They didn't cut costs at their company.
The price fell.
The price didn't fall.
They built a new house.
They didn't build a new house.
I sent it to them.
I didn't send it to them.
We bought groceries.
We didn't buy groceries.
He won the debate.
He didn't win the debate.
She grew up there.
She didn't grow up there.
They spent a lot of time together.
They didn't spend a lot of time together.
I read about it when you asked me to.
I didn't read about it when you asked me to.
They spoke about it last night.
They didn't speak about it last night.
I understood the situation.
I didn't understand the situation.
We led the conference call.
We didn't lead the conference call.
He set a date for the meeting.
He didn't set a date for the meeting.
She met him on Tuesday.
She didn't meet him on Tuesday.
We paid for the dinner.
We didn't pay for the dinner.
I lost my keys.
I didn't lose my keys.
They stood up for her.
They didn't stand up for her.
They sat there for a long time.
They didn't sit there for a long time.
I wrote it down.
I didn't write it down.
He brought it with him.
He didn't bring it with him.
She held a meeting with her team.
She didn't hold a meeting with her team.
I ran out of time.
I didn't run out of time.
We heard what happened.
We didn't hear what happened.
They showed us the results.
They didn't show us the results.
It started out well.
It didn't start out well.
It turned out okay.
It didn't turn out okay.
He talked to them about it.
He didn't talk to them about it.
I helped them finish it.
I didn't help them finish it.
She seemed upset.
She didn't seem upset.
They began working on it last night.
They didn't begin working on it last night.
He let us know in advance.
He didn't let us know in advance.
She kept it with her.
She didn't keep it with her.
I meant to do it.
I didn't mean to do it.
We put it away.
We didn't put it away.
They left when they were supposed to.
They didn't leave when they were supposed to.
He felt okay about it.
He didn't feel okay about it.
She became angry.
She didn't become angry.
I needed more time.
I didn't need more time.
I asked him what to do.
I didn't ask him what to do.
I tried it again.
I didn't try it again.
I called her last week.
I didn't call her last week.
We worked together on that project.
We didn't work together on that project.
They told us where to go.
They didn't tell us where to go.
He gave them the package.
He didn't give them the package.
She found out about it.
She didn't find out about it.
We used all of it.
We didn't use all of it.
They looked at the report.
They didn't look at the report.
He wanted to stay longer.
He didn't want to stay longer.
She came on time.
She didn't come on time.
I saw what happened.
I didn't see what happened.
We took the bus.
We didn't take the bus.
They thought it was a good idea.
They didn't think it was a good idea.
He knew what to do.
He didn't know what to do.
She made plans to go there.
She didn't make plans to go there.
I got a new computer.
I didn't get a new computer.
We went to the conference.
We didn't go to the conference.
They said it was a problem.
They didn't say it was a problem.
He did a good job.
He didn't do a good job.
She had a meeting this morning.
She didn't have a meeting this morning.