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Daily routine (kids)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She sometimes sings
He always plays the piano
He never dances
He sometimes cooks
Make a question using "she"
Does she...
Make a question using "he"
Does he...
Make a question using "they"
Do they...
Do they walk to school?
No, they don't. Das drives
Does she take the bus?
No, she doesn't. She walks
Do they take the bus?
No, they don't. They take the train
Does she take the bus?
Yes, she does
She always _________ in the morning
She always takes a shower in the morning
Does he play soccer?
Yes, he does
Do you have spaghetti for lunch?
No, I don't. I have a burger and fries for lunch.
Does he go to sleep at 7:00? (No)
No, he doesn't
He _____________ at 7:30
He goes to school at seven thirty
He never ________ before 4:00
he never goes home before four o'clock
She always _____________ at 6:30
She always gets up at six thirty
He ____________ at 8:00
He gets dressed at eight o'clock
I sometimes _____________ after school
I sometimes do my homework after school
What time ______________?
What time do you have dinner?
I always
I always comb my hair
He always
He always brushes his teeth
What time_________________?
What time do you have breakfast?
She never
She never plays basketball