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Facts about Clothes

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The first shopping mall to sell clothes was built in Argentina.
False! Rome!
The USA used to have actual fashion police who would go around measuring the miniskirt length of women.
False! South Korea!
The bikini was once declared a sin by the Vatican.
Up until around 1910, it was common for little boys to wear dresses until they were around 5 or 6.
Clothes can take up to 4 years to decompose.
False! 40!
During the Renaissance period, it was fashionable to shave off the eyebrows.
Chinese people wear white at funerals.
Princess Diana was the first person to wear a white wedding dress.
False! Queen Victoria!
The famous Lacoste crocodile symbol was the first designer logo ever.
Historically, purple clothes were only worn by very important people.
Around two thousand T-shirts are sold every single year.
False! Two billion!
Women were only allowed to wear shorts in public after World War II.