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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you an extra pencil? I think I left my at home.
DO YOU HAVE / HAVE YOU GOT an extra pencil? I think I have left my at home.
He has always clean-shaven.
He IS always clean-shaven.
I go to work on foot. It take not very long time.
I go to work on foot. It DOESN’T take MUCH time .
There’re kitchen, 2 bedroom and living room.
There IS A kitchen, 2 bedroomS and A living room.
How much a carton of milk costs?
How much does a carton of milk cost ?
I don’t sure about the correct answer. We should to ask Olia.
I AM NOT sure about the correct answer. We should ask Olia.
At the airport you must to keep your documents at hand.
At the airport you must keep your documents at hand.
You must don’t use any dictionaries during the test.
You mustN’T use any dictionaries during the test.
How many years ago you went to the mountains?
How many years ago DID you GO to the mountains?
Is there a person who inspire you?
Is there a person who inspireS you?
I haven’t time to hang off with friends a lot.
HAVEN’T GOT / DON’T HAVE time to hang OUT with friends a lot.
Do you can to organize a party?
CAN YOU organize a party?
Are you ready to make an order? - Yes, I will coffee and a cake, please.
Are you ready to make an order? - Yes, I will HAVE coffee and a cake, please.
In the morning I don’t have to be at work early, so I wake up at 5 am.
In the morning I have to be at work early, so I (have to) wake up at 5 am.
Speaking English is more easier than writing.
Speaking English is easier than writing.
This is worst film I’ve ever seen in my life!
This is THE worst film I’ve ever seen in my life!
Who are you like spending your free time with?
Who DO you like spending your free time with?
Did you afraid of dark when you was a child?
WERE you afraid of dark when you WERE a child?
How do you feel after the New Year celebration? - Oh, I exhausted. I slept for two days after that.
How DID you feel after the New Year celebration? - Oh, I WAS exhausted. I slept for two days after that.
I promise I won’t late for tomorrow’s class.
I promise I won’t BE late for tomorrow’s class.