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WHITE IV - Unit 3 vocabulary review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this animal?
A turkey.
What do we call the meat from pigs?
Pork or ham.
What do we call the meat from fish?
What animal is this?
A rabbit.
What is a baby pig called?
A piglet.
What do we call the meat from sheep?
What animal is this?
A horse.
What animal is this?
A goose.
What is a female chicken called?
A hen.
What animal is this?
A goat.
Name 5 animals found on a farm.
Cow, Donkey, Chicken, Goose, Rabbit, Duck, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Horse, Dog.
What do we call the meat from cows?
What do we call the meat from chickens?
What animal is this?
A duck.
What animal is this?
A donkey.
What is a baby cat called?
A kitten.
What part of your body do you use to hear?
My ears.
What part of your body do you eat with?
My mouth.
What part of the body is this?
The ankle.
What parts of the body are these?
The shoulders.
What part of the body is this?
The elbow.
What type of transport is this?
A train.
What is this type of transport?
A helicopter
What is this type of vehicle called?
A (dumper) truck
What type of aeroplane is this?
A cargo plane