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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He has made a very little progress.
He has made very little progress.
I hope you have a great success.
I hope you have great success.
They are doing works on our house.
They are doing work on our house.
Be careful; you might get controlled.
Be careful; you might get checked.
I saw a police at the door.
I saw a police officer at the door.
They have two childrens.
They have two children.
There were three persons in the office.
There were three people in the office.
I haven't did that before.
I haven't done that before.
They're there all the year.
They're there all year/all year long/all year round.
Please hold me this.
Please hold this for me.
I succeeded to get my certification.
I succeeded in getting my certification.
I arrived to finish the project.
I managed/was able to finish the project./I succeeded in finishing the project.
My teacher learned me something interesting today.
My teacher taught me something interesting today.
I have been working in Spain since two years.
I have been working in Spain for two years.
She's winning a lot of money at her new job.
She's earning a lot of money at her new job.
I'm going to stay there for a few month.
I'm going to stay there for a few months.
That's a really good news.
That's really good news.
Thanks for your advices.
Thanks for your advice.
I'll say you as soon as I know.
I'll tell you as soon as I know.
I will explain you it.
I will explain it to you.
I just bought a new jean.
I just bought new jeans.
I want that he helps us.
I want him to help us.
Let's met later and take a coffee.
Let's met later and get/take a coffee.
What do you take for breakfast?
What do you have for breakfast?
I'm leaving in Marseille.
I'm living in Marseille.
I like to eat cereals in the morning.
I like to eat cereal in the morning.
He offered me good feedbacks.
He offered me good feedback.
We should look for a parking.
We should look for a parking.
We are Friday.
It's Friday.
I am used to go there when I was a child.
I used to go there when I was a child.
It's mean something different.
It means something different.
We should offer her a present.
We should give her a present.
That's not the good answer.
That's not the right answer.
I wake up early the morning.
I wake up early in the morning.
They were very touched by the pandemic.
They were very affected by the pandemic.
This is good for help people live better.
This is good to help people live better.
She was there for several month.
She was there for several months.
I saw it on a video.
I saw it in a video.
I went to my father house.
I went to my father's house.
I took a coffee with my friend.
I got/had a coffee with my friend.
It will cost very few money.
It will cost very little money.
He is accustomed to use it.
He is accustomed to using it.
This allows to do it better.
This allows us to do it better.
She entered in the building.
She entered the building.
They were not agree.
They did not agree.
The security was not enough.
There was not enough security.
Several people are died during the attack.
Several people died during the attack.
There is an important issue who needs to be discussed.
There is an important issue which needs to be discussed.
They stopped traffic because of the manifestation.
They stopped traffic because of the protest.
There were three persons at the meeting.
There were three people at the meeting.
This is one of the most important change they made.
This is one of the most important changes they made.
They arrived to the meeting just in time to see my presentation.
They arrived at the meeting just in time to see my presentation.
She took the subway and got out at the wrong stop.
She took the subway and got off at the wrong stop.
I called my friend while I was in the train.
I called my friend while I was on the train.
We waited the bus for a long time.
We waited for the bus for a long time.
They need three millions dollars to begin the project.
They need three million dollars to begin the project.
Every employees need to be at the meeting.
Every employee needs to be at the meeting./All employees need to be at the meeting.
We don't need it in the moment.
We don't need it at the moment.
It happened in the same time.
It happened at the same time.
We all have to do an effort.
We all have to make an effort.
Everybody know about that.
Everybody knows about that.
I appreciate to have this opportunity.
I appreciate having this opportunity.
We’re approaching to the highway.
We’re approaching the highway.
I'm used to go there.
I'm used to going there.
I'm not concentrated enough.
I'm not focused enough.
I want that they change a few things.
I want them to change a few things.
I would like him to attend for meetings.
I would like him to attend meetings.
I saw her enter in the room.
I saw her enter the room.
I like too much tennis.
I like tennis so much.
I always do that mistake.
I always make that mistake.
We succeeded to do it.
We succeeded in doing it.
Remember me about that tomorrow.
Remind me about that tomorrow.
When she will arrive, I’ll call you.
When she arrives, I’ll call you.
You should ask to someone else.
You should ask someone else.
We were four at the meeting.
There were four of us at the meeting.
I’m having trouble to find a job.
I’m having trouble finding a job.
That’s a good news.
That’s good news.
Please send me the informations.
Please send me the information.
They had a great success.
They had great success.
We have gone there yesterday.
We went there yesterday.
I have worked at several different societies.
I have worked at several different companies.
It was a funny party.
It was a fun party.
We passed a great evening there.
We spent a great evening there.
I’m looking forward to see you soon.
I’m looking go forward to seeing you soon.
You must to finish the report by Friday.
You must finish the report by Friday.
I meet always my friends on Saturday.
I always meet my friends on Saturday.
My boss speaks very well English.
My boss speaks English very well.
I’m going to tell you what is it.
I’m going to tell you what it is.
Normally everything will be okay.
Hopefully everything will be okay.
I’m going to present you my family.
I’m going to introduce you to my family.
I’m going to pass the exam next week.
I’m going to take the exam next week.
This is my actual job.
This is my current job.
He was there during one year.
He was there for one year.
They have been here since two weeks.
They have been here for two weeks.
We participated to the discussion.
We participated in the discussion.
I am agree with you.
I agree with you.
I am here since Monday.
I have been here since Monday.