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Adverbs of frequency

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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at /often / Christmas / play / games / We
We often play games at Christmas
Saturday / We / usually / the / house / on / clean
We usually clean the house on Saturday.
brushes / She / dinner / after / always / her / teeth
She always brushes her teeth after dinner
pink / never / She / wears / clothes
She never wears pink clothes
drink / I / the / evening / in / never / coffee
I never drink coffee in the evening
I / bed / my / always / make
I always make my bed
to / walk / school / They / often
They often walk to school
walks / dog / his / He / usually
He usually walks his dog
They / always / have / lunch / at / school
They always have lunch at school
tv series / He / watches / often /beautiful
He often watches beautiful tv series
sometimes / tennis / plays / Peter / Monday / on
Peter sometimes plays tennis on Monday.
seven o'clock / breakfast / We / have / usually
We usually have breakfast at 7 o'clock.
in bed / usually / My dad / reads
My dad usually reads in bed.
gets up / Amy / usually / early / sister / My
My sister Amy usually gets up early.
runs / He / sometimes / in the park
He sometimes runs in the park
sometimes /we/ biscuits / make
We sometimes make biscuits
always / they / happy / are
They are always happy.
usually / in / reads / the newspaper / Jerry / the / morning
Jerry usually reads the newspaper in the morning
the table / never /sets /she
She never sets the table.
often / play / cards / We / Sunday /on
We often play cards on Sunday
I / my homework / do / always / afternoon / the / in
I always do my homework in the afternoon
Howard and Alan / books / always / read / fantasy
Howard and Alan always read fantasy books.
vegetables / never / eats /Kate
Kate never eats vegetables.
spaghetti / eats / Simon / always / lunch / for
Simon always eats spaghetti for lunch
often / Sarah / tea / drinks / afternoon / the / in
Sarah often drinks tea in the afternoon
goes / swimming / sometimes / Jane
Jane sometimes goes swimming.