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The Year in Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What annoyed you the most about 2020?
Will this still upset you in 2021?
Did you change your style this year?
Are you going to keep this style?
Who is your "Sportsperson of the Year"?
Why do you look up to them?
Where's the furthest place you traveled to this year?
How did you get there?
Did you take up any new hobbies this year?
Is it easy to get into?
Was 2020 as bad as most people say?
What do you miss about 2019?
How was the weather this year overall?
Will next year be the same?
Are you excited for a fresh start next year?
Do you have any resolutions?
How are you feeling about the pandemic?
When do you think things will be back to normal everywhere?
What was your "Book of the Year"?
How did you hear about it?
What was your best tasting dish of the year?
Are you able to make it yourself?
What's your "Song of the Year"?
Can you sing it for us?
Did you meet any goals for the year?
How are you going to challenge yourself next year?
Is it safe to be in a crowd these days?
How is it looking for next year?
Who is your personal "Person of the Year"?
What impressed you the most about them?
What's the most expensive thing you bought this year?
Was it worth it?
What do you still not understand about 2020?
Do you think 2021 will be the same?
What's your most embarrassing memory from this year?
What could you have done differently?
What's the best game you played this year?
Baamboozle. The answer is Baamboozle.
Watch any good movies this year?
Was it a good year for movies?
How was your mood this year?
How can we take care of ourselves a bit better?
How active were you this year?
How are you feeling about that?
Did you do anything new for fun this year?
Are you going to keep it up next year?
Did you learn any new skills this year?
How did you learn about it?
Did you get any new family members in 2020?
What are they like?
Did you do any home improvements this year?
Did it turn out like you had hoped it would?
Did you learn any new sports last year?
Are you going to keep playing it?
How much time did you spend with your friends last year?
How are you feeling about that?
Where's the best place you went last year?
What did you do there?
What's your best memory from last year?
How about your worst?