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Key-word transformations

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She should be _________________ opinion.
told the truth in my
Would ____________________ in here, please?
you mind not smoking
A ________________ people were injured in the accident.
large number of
I had never ____________________ before.
had such an embarrassing experience
You should ______________ a dictionary if you're not sure how to spell it.
look up the word at
The full story __________________ many people.
was not known by
I would like to welcome you _______________ the town council.
on behalf of
Take an umbrella ____________________ this evening.
in case it rains
We weren't ________________ to park.
able to find the place
It was _________________ the directions.
Paul who gave us
They ________________ two hours.
had been walking for
The bus comes in two hours; ____________________, let's have lunch.
in the meantime
She _________________ it was too badly paid.
turned down the job because
I _______________ my overcoat.
I need not have taken
The film was a complete ___________________.
The film was a complete waste of time.
Who is ________________ the children this afternoon?
taking care of
They climbed out of the room ________________ some bedsheets.
by means of
The criminal _________________ plastic surgery.
is believed to have had
Not ________________ piano but he also sings beautifully.
only does he play the
I ___________________ my 21st birthday party.
haven't seen him since
Jane _______________ her radio.
accused Frank of breaking
I really _____________________ repaired soon.
must have my car
Susan _________________ that house.
wishes she had bought
I could never have succeeded _____________ me.
if you had not helped
I took my cheque-book with me _____________ out of cash.
in case I ran
Linda's plans for a picnic ______________ because of the weather.
have fallen through
The bread ______________ to eat.
was not fresh enough
Brian _______________ home early.
may have gone
It _____________ work in all this noise!
is impossible for me to
The thief suddenly realised that _______________ by the police.
he was being watched
Do you know _____________ is?
whose coat this
Jo's training accident ______________ part in the race.
prevented her from taking
Bicycles _____________ on the station platform.
must not be ridden
Alan ______________ that the passport office closed when he arrived.
was amazed to find
You ________________ tickets for the show in advance.
don't need to book
The top shelf was ___________ the children to reach.
too high for
I _______________ work next week.
would rather you started
The teacher asked her class if _____________ to do.
they remembered what
Carol _____________ temper with her staff.
hardly ever loses
We ______________ ice-cream.
have run out of
It ___________________ George to help.
is not worth asking
Despite ___________ on time, Clive wasn't late for work.
not getting up
This is the _________________ this sort of food.
first time I have eaten
After a long chase, the police finally _____________ the thief.
managed to arrest
Diane _____________ to her parents last week.
ought to have written
He has ________________ I can hardly read it.
such small handwriting that
The visitors ______________ from the airport.
have to be picked up
I _____________ for this evening.
regret telling him our plans
To _______________ the party early.
everyone's surprise, Geoff left
All the witnesses said that ___________ the accident.
I was to blame for
Harry's parents ____________ a motorbike.
didn't let him buy
Susan asked David where __________ sunglasses.
she had left her
I was annoyed by __________ at the party.
the way John behaved
I would have had to go to the bank _____________ me the money.
if you had not lent
Matthew took _________________ advice.
no notice of his doctor's
Sheila had to finish the accounts ____________several letters.
in addition to writing
Mark went swimming almost every day _____________ in Australia.
during his childhood
Why _______________ the museum this afternoon?
don't we go to
Valerie _____________her book because of the noise.
had difficulty in concentrating on
Laslie suggested _______________ by the phone box.
Brenda waited