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Sports and Leisure Trivia

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In American football, a team gets six points for what? a) first down b) a field goal c) a sack d) a touchdown
a touchdown
In what sport would you see a triple lutz? a) table tennis b) cheerleading c) figure skating d) volleyball
figure skating
A zero in tennis called _____ a) loser b) deuce c) love d) doughnut
One of the world's most famous car races is called the Indy _____ a) 100 b) 500 c) 1,000 d) 10,000
What martial art debuted at the 2000 Olympic Games? a) Aikido b) Kung Fu c) Tae Kwon Do d) jujitsu
Tae Kwon Do
What is the name of football's international governing board?
In backgammon, how many pieces per player are there? a) 12 b) 10 c) 20 d) 15
Which swimming stroke is not started with a dive?
the backstroke
Where did the game of polo originate a) Turkey b) Great Britain c) Iran d) Ireland
What is a perfect score in bowling? a) 300 b) 200 c) 100 d) 250
Which country held the 1992 Olympics? a) the United States b) South Korea c) Japan d) Spain
How many players does a volleyball team have?