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Alternative Energy and Natural Resources

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can individuals and communities do to help protect Earth’s resources and the environment ?
Examples: Recycle. Use less electricity/ turn off lights you are not using. Do not waste water. Use hybrid cars. Put solar panels on houses. Build windmills.
What are some disadvantages to alternative energy resources?
Expensive to build or set up (ex: solar panels, building dams and windmills); Difficult to store the energy; Dams and windmills affect animals and ecosystems.
What are some advantages to alternative energy resources?
1. They are renewable. 2. They create less air pollution. 3. Resources can be obtained locally.
Tell whether this energy source is renewable or nonrenewable: oil
Tell whether this energy source is renewable or nonrenewable: natural gas
Tell whether this energy source is renewable or nonrenewable: wind
Tell whether this energy source is renewable or nonrenewable: water
Tell whether this energy source is renewable or nonrenewable: coal
Tell whether this energy source is renewable or nonrenewable: the sun
Water pumped down into the Earth, heats up, and comes back as steam
Geothermal energy
Why can water in a river be used to produce electricity?
The water is moving.
A resource that is obtained from the Earth in the environment
natural resource
The electrical power produced by falling water that turns a turbine generator
hydroelectric power
Cannot be renewed or takes a long time to renew
Nonrenewable resources
The remains of organisms that lived a very long time ago - coal, oil, natural gas
Fossil fuels
A nontraditional source of energy that is not from fossil fuels
Alternative energy source