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Everybody Up 5 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Feelings SKC1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did you feel when you learned how to do something new?
I felt...
How did you feel when you acted in a play? (#6)
I felt shy, but she felt confident.
How did you feel when you acted in a play? (#5)
I felt confident, but he felt shy.
How did you feel when you learned how to dive? (#4)
I felt sleepy, but he felt wide-awake.
How did you feel when you learned how to dive? (#3)
I felt wide-awake, but she felt sleepy.
How did you feel when you rode a roller coaster? (#2)
I felt nervous, but he felt relaxed.
How did you feel when you rode a roller coaster? (#1)
I felt relaxed, but she felt nervous.
I felt ______, but she felt ______. (#6)
I felt SLEEPY, but she felt WIDE-AWAKE.
I felt ______, but he felt ______. (#5)
I felt WIDE-AWAKE, but he felt SLEEPY.
I felt ______, but he felt ______. (#4)
I felt SHY, but he felt CONFIDENT.
I felt ______, but she felt ______. (#3)
I felt CONFIDENT, but she felt SHY.
I felt ______, but she felt ______. (#2)
I felt NERVOUS, but she felt RELAXED.
I felt ______, but he felt ______. (#1)
I felt RELAXED, but he felt NERVOUS.