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The present simple or the present continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My aunt seldom ___________(make) apple cake on weekdays.
Teachers always __________(try) to help their students.
Why ____________(our dog/bark) in the garden every night?
does our dog bark
My sister ___________(wash) our dog in the bathroom now.
is washing
When ______________(Jane/get up) on Sundays?
does Jane get up
My parents __________(not+go) hiking every summer.
do not go
Listen! They __________(make) so much noise in the next room.
are making
Chris often ____________(visit) his best friend.
My friend seldom __________(walk) to school.
____________(our teacher/usually/come) to school on foot? - No, she _____________.
Does our teacher usually come; does not.
Look! It ___________(rain) heavily and a strong wind _________ (blow).
is raining; is blowing
Be careful! Kate ___________(try) to open the box now.
is trying
_____________(our class/visit) the theatre every month?
Does our class visit
Look! Father __________(wear) his new suit today.
is wearing
My sister ____________(not+write) a long email to her friend every week.
does not write
We _____________(not+read) poems now.
are not reading
My grandpa ____________(play) chess with my uncle every Monday.
We can't come with you. We ___________(clean) our room now.
are cleaning
He _____________(go) for a walk in the wood every weekend.