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Present Continuous for Future Plans

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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COMPLETE: ______they_______(study) next month?
ARE they STUDYING next month?
REARRANGE: visiting/ next/ weekend?/ Who/ you/ are/
Who are you visiting next weekend?
REARRANGE: doing/ next/ are/ What/ year?/ you/
What are you doing next year?
REARRANGE: are/ doing/ What/ class?/ after/ you
What are you doing after class?
Sandra ___________(eat) ice cream after class.
is eating
Next year, I_________(learn) a new language!
am learning
On Sunday, Ben and Cristine______________(hang out) at the mall.
are hanging out
My sister__________(play) tennis tomorrow morning.
is playing
REARRANGE: having/ breakfast?/ she/ Is/
Is she having breakfast?
Who____ he_______(go) with?
Who IS he GOING with?
Chris and Peter _________(not, do) anything next Saturday.
aren't doing
COMPLETE: _____ you ________(go) to the doctor next week?
ARE you GOING to the doctor next week?
REARRANGE: grandmother/ My/ isn't/ tomorrow./ visiting/
My grandmother isn't visiting tomorrow.
Michael and his brothers__________(visit) their grandparents in March.
are visiting
REARRANGE: pizza?/ you/ Are/ eating/
Are you eating pizza?
CHOOSE AN OPTION: We can use the present continuous to talk about the present and (past / future)
CHOOSE AN OPTION: We use the present continuous to talk about something we (have already planned / haven't planned yet.)
Carlos and his classmates_____________(study) for their test next week.
are studying
REARRANGE: she/ Is/ her/ homework?/ doing/
Is she doing her homework?
Sophie___________(go) to the supermarket this weekend.
is going
COMPLETE: _____ your sister________(prepare) dinner?
IS your sister PREPARING dinner?
COMPLETE:_____ Elsa and Anna______(run) in the park on Monday?
ARE Elsa and Anna RUNNING in the park on Monday?
COMPLETE: ______your mom and dad_______(buy) fruits at the market?
ARE your mom and dad BUYING fruits at the market?
REARRANGE: going/ to/ I/ the/ supermarket/ later./ am/
I am going to the supermarket later.
Is she ________(practice) English today?
Are you _________ (take) the bus today?
REARRANGE: tomorrow./ He/ soccer/ playing/ is/
He is playing soccer tomorrow.
We_____________(not,go) to the park tomorrow.
aren't going