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Esperanza Finale!

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Why do they shop at Mr. Yakota's market?
to avoid the bad treatment they receive at other markets for being immigrant workers from MExico
At the end of the book Esperanza and Miguel are "on the same side of the river" what does this mean?
they are equals, not divided by a class system
Why does Miguel bring Abuelita to California?
to prove things will get better
At the end of the book Esperanza says"Do not be afraid to start over." Who originally says this at the beginning of the book?
When Esperanza finds Marta after the immigration raid...what does she do?
she decides to help her
Why does Miguel steal Esperanza's money orders?
To go to get Abuelita and bring her to California
When Esperanza is told she cannot visit her mother for several weeks, she describes her life as going through "the motions of living",What does Esperanza do to increase the amount of joy in her life?
work, and try to bring joy to others
Where did Esperanza move to?
California USA
2 part question: What did Esperanza get her Mom as a gift when she was in the hospital? Why doesn't she end up giving it to her Mom?
A pinata, she gives to to children she meets that are very poor and sad
As a reward for protecting Esperanza from bandits as a child, what did Miguel ask for as a reward?
a train ride
What do Alfonso and Miguel do to remind Esperanza of home once they live in the labor camp?
plant roses from home
What is a theme in this book?
People can change and grow over time
What was the solution Esperanza came up with to cure the sick babies?
rice water
What is Esperanza's nickname?
Who wants to be Queen of the May?
Who is Alfonso?
Alfonso is Miguel's dad.
What country is Esperanza born in?
Who is Abuelita?
Esperanza's grandmother
The zig-zags of the quilt this book are a metaphor for what?
The zig-zags represent the challenges and accomplishments that these characters experience in this story