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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If he............(spend) less time on playing computer games, he wouldn't be ill so often.
What would you do if you .............. (miss) the last train?
If Jane _________(lie) in the sun so long, she would be sunburnt.
What will you do if nobody ............... (come) to meet you at the airport?
If the weather were warmer, ..............................(they+go) for a swim?
would they
If Jimmy came to the picnic with us, he …………………………… (enjoy) it.
would enjoy
They won’t go hiking if the weather …………………………………(not+get) better.
doesn't get
My little sister would be very angry if you ………………………………(eat)her chocolate.
I would lose my wallet if I …………………… (carry) it in the pocket.
If you don’t put on your cap, you ............................................. (fall) ill.
will fall
............................................ (William/go) to the library if he wanted to read “Harry Potter” in English?
Would William go
Fred ......................................( be) at home next week if he wanted to meet his friend.
would be
Tom won’t pass the exam if he ................................................. (be) so tired all the time.
Tom won’t pass the exam if he ................................................. (not+work) hard.
doesn't work
She will do the shopping if her mother .................................. (ask) her.
If he had enough time, he .................................. (read) the adventure story once more.
would read
He will not give you his exercise book if he ......................................... (need) it himself.
If he.......... (get) much money, he’ll buy a lot of new books.
If they ............(not+ like) to travel, they won’t go to Italy.
don't like
He will buy a new house if he....................................... (save) enough money.