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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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讛讘专讜讜讝 讘诪讬诐
the duck is in the water
讛讝讗讘 专注讘
the wolf is hungry
What is it?
What is it?
讛拽讜讗诇讛 讞诪讜讚讛
the koala is cute
讛讙讜专讬诇讛 讙讚讜诇讛 讜砖讞讜专讛
the gorilla is big and black
讛驻谞讚讛 砖讞讜专讛 讜诇讘谞讛
the panda is black and white
讞讝讬专讬诐 讜专讜讚讬诐
pigs are pink
讛讙诪诇 讙讘讜讛
thne camel is tall
讛谞诪专 专抓 诪讛专
the tiger is running fast
讛讗专讬讛 讛讜讗 诪诇讱 讛讞讬讜转
the lion is the king of the animals
讛拽讜祝 讗讜讛讘 讘谞谞讜转
the monkey loves bananas
讛讻讘砖讬诐 讗讜讻诇讜转 讚砖讗
the sheep are eating grass
讛谞讞砖 诪住讜讻谉
the snake is dangorus
What is it?
讛爪讘 讗讬讟讬
the turtle is slow
讛爪驻专讚注 讬专讜拽讛
the frog is green
讛讙讬专驻讛 讙讘讜讛讛
the giraffe is tall
讛驻讬诇 讗驻讜专 讜讙讚讜诇
the elephant is big and gray
讛驻讬谞讙讜讜讬谉 讗讜讛讘 拽专讞
the penguin loves ice
讛注讻讘专 讗讜讛讘 讙讘讬谞讛
the mouse loves cheese
What is it?
讛讗专谞讘 诇讘谉 讜讞诪讜讚
the rabbit is white and cute
What is it?
讛砖讜注诇讬诐 讞讻诪讬诐
the foxes are smart
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘 住讜住讬诐
i love horses
讚讜讘讬诐 讗讜讛讘讬诐 讚讘砖
bears love honey
讛转谞讬谉 诪驻讞讬讚
the alligator is acary
讛驻专讜转 谞讜转谞讜转 讞诇讘
the cows give milk
讛讝讘专讜转 砖讞讜专讜转 讜诇讘谞讜转
the zebraa are black and white
What is it?
讛拽谞讙专讜 拽讜驻抓
the kangaroo is jumping