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Simple past irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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give my monet back
Did you give my...?/ I gave your ..../ I didn;t give your...
ride an elephant
Did you ride....?/ I rode ..../ I didn't ride an elephant
feel sick
Did you feel sick? / I felt sick/ I didn't feel sick
be very hot
Was it very hot? /It was very hot./ It wasn't very hot.
meet a strange man
Did you meet...?/ I met.../ I didn't meet....
wake up early in the morning
Did you wake up....? I woke up ..../ I didn't wake up ....
have a temperature
Did you have a temperature?/ I had a temperature/ I didn't have a ....
steal the bike
Did you steal the bike?/ I stole..../ I didn't steal .....
get off the train
Did you get off the train?/ I got off the train./ I didn't get off....
take the luggage
Did you take the....?/ I took .../ I didn't take ....
do the shopping
Did you do the .....?/ I did the shopping./I didn't do the shopping
catch the thief
Did you catch...? /I caught..../ I didn't catch the thief.
take off from New Guinea
Did you take off?/ I took off/ I didn't take off
find the missing pilot
Did they find ?/ I found/I didn't find
crash into the sea
Did you crash into the sea? I crashed/ I didn't crash
run out of fuel
Did you run out of fuel?/ I ran out of/ I didn't run out of
get lost
Did you get lost?/ I got lost/I didn't get lost
begin the journey
Did you begin?/ I began/I didn't begin
Know the way
Did you know ? /I knew/ I didn't know
fly in a plane
did you fly?/ I flew/ I didn't fly
have dinner
did you have dinner?/ I had dinner/ I didn't have
become friends
did you become friends/we became friends/ didn't become
see them off
did you see them off/ I saw them off/ i didn't see them off
leave the ship
did you leave/ I left/ I didn't leave...
go to the desert
did you go/ I went/ I didn't go
buy some bread
did you buy/ I bought/ i didn't buy any