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Debit x Credit

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A debit card can give you immediate access to money you may not have in your checking account
With debit cards, you don’t pay interest on the money you spend — since it’s your money. True or False?
You can use your credit card at an ATM to get cash. True or False?
You know exactly how much you have left for the month when you use a debit card. True or False?
It's more difficult to control your spending with a debit card. True or False?
When the bank agrees to lend you the money, you don't have to pay a fee for it in the form of interest. True or False?
When you swipe a credit card, you’re spending someone else’s money — money the bank or credit card company has given you access to. True or False?
With a debit card, you can only spend the amount of money you have in your account. True or False?
When you make a purchase using the credit card, the money comes directly out of your account. True or False?
A debit card is linked to your checking account. True or False?