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Christmas Math Review

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The price for each reindeer harness is $11.00 What is the price for 9 reindeer harnesses?
Peter Elf had 149 presents (not all for him) on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, he received 132 more presents and he gave away 128 presents. How many presents did he have to open for himself on Christmas Day?
153 Presents
If Mrs. O'Neill makes 48 caramels in each batch and needs 12 dozen caramels, how many batches does she need to make?
3 batches (makes a gross 144 caramels)
A candy cane factory has to order boxes for its candy canes. If they plan to make 3,000 candy canes and each box can hold 10 candy canes, how many boxes do they need to order.
300 boxes
The Hunefeld Christmas tree farm is selling trees for $25 each. They have sold 12 so far in the month of December. How much money has the farm made in all from tree sales?
Kelsey and family flew 547 miles on Christmas Eve last year. This year, they flew 1,328 miles. How many miles did Kelsey fly in all.
1,875 Miles
The Excelsior Christmas tree farm has 50 rows of trees and 10 trees in each row. How many trees are there in all?
500 trees
Each bag of Cronk Candy Canes has 5 pieces in candy it. The fifth grade collected 12 bags of Cronk Candy Canes. How many Cronk Candy Canes does the fifth grade have altogether?
60 Candy Canes
Omie’s job is to keep the Christmas tree watered. If she waters the tree 3 times a day for 24 days, how many times did she water the tree altogether?
72 times
Caleb has one hundred dollars to spend. He went shopping at the mall and he bought a watch for $18.50, a pair of shoes for $33.00 and a book for $16.25 How much money did he spend? How much money does Caleb have left over?
Santa and his 6 elves wanted 8 cookies each. How many cookies did Mrs. Clause have to make?
56 cookies (7X8)
Four reindeer decided to play some games. They had 52 cards in a deck. How many cards does each reindeer get?
13 cards
Mrs. Clause was baking all night! If she baked 6 batches of cookies, with 12 cookies in each batch, how many cookies did she bake in all?
72 cookies
Snowflake the elf, wanted to give away her toys with her elf friends. If she has 35 toys and 5 friends, how many toys would she give to each of her friends?
7 toys
Jackson and his family were decorating the tree for the holidays. If he has a family of 6 and they each get to hang up 12 ornaments, how many ornaments with go up on the tree?
72 ornaments
When Mrs. Claus was baking the chocolate chip cookies, she decided to put 7 chocolate chips in each. If she makes 9 cookies, how many chocolate chips does she need?
63 chocolate chips
If you start opening presents at 8:15 am and finish at 11:35 am, how long were you opening gifts?
3 hours and 20 minutes
If the temperature is 15 F and drops 22 degrees, what temperature is it now?
-7 F degrees or 7F below 0.
If you donate $5 to a dozen different charities, how much money did you give away?
If you eat 10 cookies, your mom eats 1/2 that amount and your brother eats 2X what you ate, how many cookies were eaten all together?
35 cookies
If your tree is 7 feet tall and your ceiling is 108 inches, will it fit?
The movie Elf is 97 minutes long and Frosty the Snowman is 25 minutes long and we have 2 hours to watch them both, do we have enough time?
Almost- you would be 2 minutes over
If it snows 8 inches on Saturday, 5 inches on Sunday and 11 inches on Monday, how many feet of snow will you have?
2 feet (24 inches)
How many legs and antlers do Santa's 9 reindeer have all together?
54 (36 legs and 18 antlers) or 45 if you count antlers as a pair
If you need to cook the turkey for 3 hours and 15 minutes and you put it in a 2:15 pm, what time will it be finished?
5:30 pm