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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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None of the guests were hungry.
None of the guests were full. / All of the guests were hungry.
Someone helped me write the essay.
No-one helped me write the essay. / I wrote the essay by myself / I wrote the essay without any help.
When I was little, I couldn't UNDERSTAND A WORD of German.
When I was little, I could UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING in German.
I'm really hungry!
I'm absolutely full! I'm really full!
There were VERY FEW SEATS available on the flight to Brussels.
There PLENTY OF seats available on the flight to Brussels. / The
There's no point in seeing that film again.
It's WORTH seeing that film again.
I've been studying for my final exams EVERY DAY for the last 3 months.
I HAVEN'T studied for my final exams AT ALL in the last three months.
We met at the post-office just BY CHANCE.
We PLANNED TO MEET at the post-office.
ANYTHING you say will upset him!
NOTHING you say will upset him.
EVERYONE I know speaks English.
NO-ONE I know speaks English.
There's SOMETHING wrong with my mobile!
There's NOTHING wrong with my mobile.
What's the EASIEST thing about being a parent?
What's the MOST DIFFICULT thing about being a parent?
Come back NOT LATER than 10.
Come back NOT EARLIER than 10. / Don't come back BEFORE 10. / Don't come back earlier than 10.
This is the NOISIEST part of town.
This is the QUIETEST part of town.
Would you mind opening the window please?
Would you mind CLOSING the window please?
What time did you LEAVE home ?
What time did you GET BACK?
He gets DRESSED very QUICKLY every day.
He gets UNDRESSED very SLOWLY every day.
January is at the END of the year.
January is at the BEGINNING of the year.
We got to the train station JUST IN TIME to catch the train.
We got to the train station TOO LATE to catch the train.
She has SAVED every pound she earned.
She has SPENT every pound she earned.
I FORGOT to bring my homework!
I REMEMBERED to bring my homework!
He has DAMAGED my bike!
He has REPAIRED / FIXED my bike.
I'D LOVE TO come to your party!
I don't want to / I can't / I can't make it to your party / I'm afraid I can't come ....
I'm HAPPY to hear that!
I'm SORRY to hear that!
Count me IN!
Count me OUT!
What WONDERFUL news!
What AWFUL news / What TERRIBLE news!
I last heard from Susan very RECENTLY.
I last heard from Susan a LONG TIME AGO / AGES AGO.
SLOW DOWN - there's a stop sign ahead!
SPEED UP - there's NO stop sign ahead!
Take this medicine BEFORE meals.
Take this medicine AFTER meals.
I'm having so much fun!
I'm bored out of my mind! / I'm bored to death! / I'm SO BORED!
Please TAKE all the dishes AWAY!
Please BRING all the dishes BACK!
I invited ALL of the people on this street to the party.
I invited NONE of the people on this street to the party.
I'm thinking of BUYING this car!
I'm thinking of SELLING this car!
MOST of the people who live here speak German.
ALMOST NONE / HARDLY ANY of the people who live here speak German.
Why are you SHOUTING AT me?
Why are you WHISPERING TO me?
Why did you REFUSE this job?
Why did you ACCEPT this job?
You HAVE TO finish this report by Friday.
You DON'T HAVE TO finish this report by Friday.
Lisa has been BUSY all day.
Lisa has been LAZY all day. / Lisa has DONE NOTHING all day.
All offenders will be PUNISHED.
All offenders will be REWARDED.
We walked TOWARDS the exit.
We walked AWAY FROM the exit.
When I was young, I SPENT every cent I earned.
When I was young, I SAVED every cent I earned.
My mother lives in the flat ABOVE me.
My mother lives in the flat BELOW me.
These vitamins will STRENGTHEN your muscles.
These vitamins will WEAKEN your muscles.
Leave this room!
Stay here! / Come back here!
It took us three days to BUILD this sand castle.
It took us three days to DESTROY this sand castle.
He has FAILED the driving test!
He has PASSED the driving test!
Our team has WON the final match!!!
Our team has LOST the final match!
Fresh food FLOATS.
Fresh food SINKS.
The plane has just LANDED.
The plane has just TAKEN OFF.
I'm LENDING my bike TO John today.
I'm BORROWING John's bike today. /I'm BORROWING a bike FROM John today.
When I got on the bus, it was EMPTY.
When I got on the bus, it was FULL.
BOTH of my children speak Russian fluently.
NEITHER of my children speak Russian fluently.
The electric bike costs A LOT OF money.
The electric bike costs VERY LITTLE.
I have A LOT OF shirts to iron.
I have A FEW shirts to iron. / I have VERY FEW shirts to iron.
The boy standing IN FRONT OF Tom is my brother.
The boy standing BEHIND Tom is my brother.
I would like a drink, please.
No thanks, I don't want a drink.
We haven't had dinner yet.
We've already had dinner.
We couldn't see anything in the museum.
We could see everything in the museum.
Turn the TV off, please!
Turn the TV ON, please!
Jack has just ARRIVED.
Jack has just LEFT.
He plays the piano VERY WELL.
He plays the piano very badly.
These pencils are blunt.
These pencils are sharp.
We live near the station.
We live FAR FROM the station.
I need some help.
I don't need any help.
Turn left!
Turn right!
Stand up!
Sit down!
Come here!
Go away!