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GG3 - U3 - Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ____________________( go) to work by bus last morning.
You __________________(sleep) on a sofa last night
Cats ________________( drink) milk yesterday.
A: _________________ (the weather / be) cold yesterday? B: Yes, ___________ .
Was the weather, it was
A: ________________ (Fred / forget) his camera? B: No, _____________ .
Did Fred forget, he didn't.
A: _____________________ (Liz and Kevin / explore) the town? B: Yes, _________ .
Did Liz and Kevin explore, they did
A: _________________ (you and Jim / be) tired after the trip? B: No,___________ .
Were you and Jim, we weren't.
The food _______________ (be) fantastic.
We ______________________ (have) dinner in small Italian restaurants.
In the evenings, we _________________ (not stay) in our hotel.
didn't stay
We ________________ (visit) some museums last year.
My sister and I _____________ (swim) in the sea every day last summer.
We ________________ (go) there by plane – we _____________ (not take) the train.
went, didn't take
My family and I _______________ (be) on holiday in Italy last month.