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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is there any chocolate in the shopping centre?
Yes, there is (some) chocolate in the shopping centre
What is your best friend called?
My best friend is called __________
Does Paul cry when he's happy?
No, Paul doesn't cry when he's happy
Are the birds outside singing?
Yes, the birds outside are singing No, the birds outside aren't singing
Was it sunny yesterday?
Yes, it was sunny yesterday No, it wasn't sunny yesterday
Does Mary go to the shopping centre to study?
No, Mary goes to the shopping centre to __________ No, Mary doesn't go to the shopping centre to study
Do you go to the library to swim?
No, I go to the library to _________ No, I don't go to the library to swim
What did Sally eat yesterday?
Sally ate ___________ yesterday
What did you do yesterday?
I ______________ yesterday
Have you got a pet?
Yes, I've got a pet No, I haven't got a pet
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Yes, I brush my teeth every day
How often does your mom go for a swim?
My mom __________ goes for a swim
What does Fred do on Mondays?
Fred _______s on Mondays
What do you do on Sundays?
I __________ on Sundays
My dad loves making things. What about you?
Yes, I love making things No, I don't love/like making things
Does Fred love studying English?
No, Fred doesn't love studying English Yes, Fred loves studying English
Does Peter want to go for a drive?
Yes, Peter wants to go for a drive No, Peter doesn't want to go for a drive
Are the students who are playing outside your friends?
Yes, the students who are playing outside are my friends No, the students who are playing outside aren't my friends
Is the woman who is wearing orange pants your mom?
No, the woman who is wearing orange pants is not my mom. No, the woman who is wearing orange pants is my teacher.
Which is the most delicious food?
_________ is the most delicious food.
Which is the most beautiful animal?
__________ is the most beautiful animal
Are children more dangerous than crocodiles?
No, children aren't more dangerous than crocodiles No, children are safer than crocodiles
Is a panda smaller than a bee?
No, a panda isn't smaller than a bee No, a panda is bigger than a bee
Is your friend good at making pizza?
Yes, my friend is good at making pizza No, my friend isn't good at making pizza
What animal is good at kicking?
A kangaroo is good at kicking A human is good at kicking
Do you like your dad's hairstyle?
Yes, I like my dad's hairstyle No, I don't like my dad's hairstyle
Are there any monkeys in the classroom?
No, there aren't any monkeys in the classroom