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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who said Tottenham would win?
They help people with the health of their teeth. What do they do?
She's a dentist.
They help sick people get well again and write prescriptions for medicine. What do they do?
He's a doctor.
They help look after people who are sick. What do they do?
She is a nurse.
They look after or repair engines of cars and trucks. What do they do?
They are mechanics.
They catch fish for us to eat. What do they do?
They are fishermen.
They cut peoples hair. What do they do?
She's a hairdresser.
They write software programs on computers. What do they do?
He is a computer programmer/IT technician.
They clean the buildings we live or work in. What do they do?
She is a cleaner.
They prepare and cook food in a kitchen or restaurant. What do they do?
He is a chef/cook.
They design buildings. What do they do?
She is an architect.
They own or work on a farm growing food or animals. What do they do?
He is a farmer.
They make and repair wooden objects and structures. What do they do?
He is a carpenter.
They give advice on the law and legal matters. What do they do?
She is a lawyer.
They work in a production line sometimes with machines that put products together before it is sent to a shop for sale. What do they do?
He's a factory worker.
They design and look after engines, machines or structures. What do they do?
He's an engineer.
They cut up and sell meat in a shop. What do they do?
He's a butcher.
They install or look after water pipes and heating equipment. What do they do?
He's a plumber.
They write for newspapers or prepare television or radio news. What do they do?
She's a reporter/journalist.
They install and look after electrical equipment. What do they do?
He's an electrician.
They drive a bus with people from one place to another. What do they do?
He's a bus driver.
They operate the controls to fly an aeroplane. What do they do?
He's a pilot
They construct/build things by putting parts or materials together. What do they do?
He's a builder.
They write letters, make appointments, carry out administrative tasks.
She is a secretary.
They paint inside and outside of buildings. What do they do?
He's a painter.
They sell things to other people, like cars, parts or products.
He's a salesperson.
They study or are an expert in natural or physical sciences..
She's a scientist.
They look after or inspect financial accounts. What do they do?
He's an accountant