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Stative or non-stative verbs!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tom ... to be very rude. Том ... in a new film. (APPEAR)
Tom appears to be very rude. Том is appearing in a new film.
This skirt ... you well. I ... the handle to the broom. (FIT)
This skirt fits you well. I am fitting the handle to the broom.
I ... rock music. I ... this rock concert. (ENJOY)
I enjoy rock music. I am enjoying this rock concert.
I ... Tom’s honesty. We ... the moon now. (ADMIRE)
I admire Tom’s honesty. We are admiring the moon now.
I ... a new dog. I ... a party tonight. I .... supper with my girlfriend. (HAVE)
I have a new dog. I am having a party tonight. I am having supper with my girlfriend at the moment.
The greengrocer ... the tomatoes. He ... 50 kilos. (WEIGH)
The greengrocer is weighing the tomatoes. He weighs 50 kilos.
I ... he is an excellent pupil. They ... of moving to another country. (THINK)
I think he is an excellent pupil. They are thinking of moving to another country.
Mike ... the doctor this afternoon. I ... a lot of modern buildings in this neighbourhood. (SEE)
Mike is seeing the doctor this afternoon. I see a lot of modern buildings in this neighbourhood.
Sarah ... the cake. The cake ... delicious. (TASTE)
Sarah is tasting the cake. The cake tastes delicious.
She .... the baby's soft skin. He ... tired. (FEEL)
She is feeling the baby's soft skin. He feels tired.
He ... the perfume now. The perfume ... fantastic! (SMELL)
He is smelling the perfume. The perfume smells fantastic!