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Slangs to Describe Emotions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are some people who just think racism isn’t real. They just need to get WOKE.
be aware
You got an A on your test? You’re ON FIRE!
doing very well
… And thanks for the party. I HAD A BLAST. I drank and danced the night away. Awesome!
had a great time
Madonna looked at me and said “come up here”. So, I came up on the stage, and we sang 2 songs together. That moment was EPIC.
Your presentation was NEXT LEVEL. From the slides to your posture, everything was in the right place.
My dad was AMPED (or) STOKED when I told him I got tickets for the game.
I’m really PSYCHED (or) PUMPED. Mom told me she’s gonna give a PlayStation 5 for Christmas.
It was a long way to “Far Far Away” Land and the donkey got really ANTSY.
I didn`t see the glass door closed in front of me. It was an EPIC FAIL. I just bumped into the door, and there was a big noise, and everybody looked at me. It was so embarrassing…
humorous mistake
I think I fell into a rut in my job. There`s nothing new, nothing exciting. I feel just BLAH because of that.
I think I fell into a RUT in my job. There`s nothing new, nothing exciting. I feel just blah because of that.
monotonous routine
When he texted me to say that he would be late again, I just got TICKED OFF (or) PISSED OFF.
very angry
I never skip meals. If I do, I get really HANGRY.
hungry + angry
I confess I felt MIFFED when I didn`t get the promotion. I`ve been working hard for that.
Why are you so SALTY to me? It’s not my fault you missed the bus.