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Family and Friends 3 - Review 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is this car?
It is long
What is this?
It is a river
What is this?
It is a bridge
What is this?
It is a country
What is this?
It is a building
What is this?
It is a tray
How is this building?
It is high
How is this river?
It is deep
How is this river?
It is wide
What is this?
It is an ocean
What is this?
It is a waterfall
What is this?
It is a mountain
What is this?
It is a lake
What are they?
They are peas
What is this?
It is pepper
What is this?
It is salt
What is this?
It is butter
What is this?
It is a potato
What is this?
It is a lamp
What is this?
It is a plant
What is this?
It is a pond
What is this?
It is a lemon
What is this?
It is an onion
What is this?
It is a cucumber
What is this?
It is a melon
What is this?
It is meat
What is this?
It is cereal
What is this?
It is noodles
What is this?
It is a singer
What is this?
It is a movie
What is this?
It is an actor
What is this?
It is a concert
What is this?
It is a play
What is this?
It is an adult
What is this?
It is a quilt
What is this?
It is a belt
What is this?
It is a movie theater
What is this?
It is a swimming pool
What is this?
It is a shopping mall
What is this?
It is a playground
What is this?
It is a museum
What is this?
It is a library
What is this?
It is a café