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Discover English 3 unit 7

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That's the shop_________ you can buy cheap clothes.
The room_______ I sleep is very small.
He has a bag______ is black.
which/ that
Tom_______ I met yesterday is my friend.
kobieta która pracuje w banku jest niebezpieczna.
A woman who works in a bank is dangerous
Police is looking for animals________ escaped from the zoo.
that/ which
Summer is the time_______ we don't go to school.
Parents__________ didn't come to the meeting have to call me.
who/ that
Is this a cafe'____________we met Justin?
Monday is a day__________ we go to school.
Radom is a place_________ I live.
The dog_________ I saw yesterday is small.
She is a girl__________ lives in a big house. (relative pronoun)
who/ that
nie bądź wścibski
Don't be nosey
szybko schowaj siÄ™
quick, hide!
powiedzieć kłamstwo
tell a lie
powiedzieć prawdę
tell the truth
wysłać wiadomość
send a message
mieć sen
have a dream
pokłócić się
have an argument
znależć wymówkę, usprawiedliwić się
make an excuse
wymyślić historię/ opowieść
make up a story
powiedzieć żart
tell a joke
wykonać telefon
make a phone call
dochować tajemnicy
keep a secret