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7.8 - SP1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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PRESENT CONTINUOUS. (AM, IS, ARE + ING) >>> I _______________ (not dance) because I’m very tired.
I am not dancing
PRESENT CONTINUOUS. (AM, IS, ARE + ING) >>> It _______________ (fly) outside now
it is flying
PRESENT CONTINUOUS. (AM, IS, ARE + ING) >>> ______she _______ (drink) tea now?
is she drinking
PRESENT CONTINUOUS. (AM, IS, ARE + ING) >>> We _______________ (not sleep).
aren't sleeping
PRESENT CONTINUOUS. (AM, IS, ARE + ING) >>> He _______________ (ride) his bike at the moment.
is riding
SUPERLATIVE. >>> Brazil’s Carnival is ________ _________ ____________ event in the world. (beautiful)
the most beautiful
SUPERLATIVE. >>> Mr. Gordon is ________ ____________ man in my work. He eats a lot. (fat)
the fattest
SUPERLATIVE. >>> This lesson is ________ ______________ I’ve ever read in this book. (easy)
the easiest
SUPERLATIVE. >>> Sahara is ________ ___________ desert on the Earth. (large)
the largest
SUPERLATIVE. >>> That restaurant is _________ _____________ I’ve ever eaten in this city. (bad)
the worst
SUPERLATIVE. >>> Tom is ___________ _______________ boy in my classroom. (tall)
the tallest
COMPARISONS. >>> Brazil is ___________ _____________ Canada. (hot)
hotter than
COMPARISONS. >>> My room is _______________ ___________ your room. (tidy)
tidier than
COMPARISONS. >>> Mobile phones are __________ _____________ conventional phones.(good)
better than
COMPARISONS. >>> English is __________ _______________ Japanese. (easy)
easier than
COMPARISONS. >>> Mexico is ____________ _____________ the USA. (small)
smaller than
COMPARISONS. >>>travelling by plane is ________ __________ _______ travelling by car. (dangerous)
more dangerous than
there was or there were. >>> __________ any cheese in the fridge. (âś—)
there wasn't
there was or there were. >>> __________ some great DVDs in that shop. (âś“)
there were
there was or there were. >>> __________ many people at the club?
there were
there was or there were. >>> ____________ an accident yesterday. (âś“)
there was
there was or there were. >>> _____________ a computer in the classroom?
was there
there was or there were. >>>___________ any mobile phones 40 years ago. (âś—)
there weren't
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> No, she ____________. Only Rebecca and I ____________ at the cinema.
wasn't / were
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> ____________ Julie with you?
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> OK, OK, it’s true, I ____________ (-) there. I ____________(+) at the cinema with Rebecca
wasn't / was
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> I ____________ (+) at your house with your brother, and you ____________ (-) there!
was / weren't
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> No, you ____________!
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> I ____________ at home. (+)
WAS/WERE/WASN’T/WEREN’T. >>> Where 1 ____________ you last night?
what is this? can you spell it?
football stadium
what is this? can you spell it?
bowling alley
what is this? can you spell it?
what is this? can you spell it?
skate park
what is this? can you spell it?