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Past simple vs past continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why.....you (go) home early? Because I ....(not feel) well.
did ...go/wasn't feeling
The sun ....(shine) and the wind ...(blow)
was shining/was blowing
I (play) on the computer and the food (burn)
was playing/was burning
The children ...(talk) a lot in classand the classroom equipment ...(not work)
were talking/was not working
Tom...(run) to catch the bus when he (fall) ober
was running/fell
Lisa ....(talk) ,but sadly nobody...(listen)
was talking/was listening
The lights ....(go) out while she ...(swim)
went/was swimming
The birds ...(sing) and the flowers ....(bloom)
were singing/were bloomind
I ...(write ) an email when you ....(call)
was writing/called
We ....(drive) across the town to another cinema
....(be) it (showi) near your house?
Was showing
The audience ....(laugh)
was laughing
What film ....You ......(watch)
I...( go) to the cinema on Sunday and I ....(watch) a good film.
While you ....(have) fun, I ....(study)
were having /was studying.
When I (arrive)The DJ ....(play) some fantastic music
arrived/was playing
.... you .....( to enjoy) the party on Saturday?