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These people are on a ship. They might say Arrr, or ahoy matey.
You see these in the sky. They can be very loud. You see them on July 4th.
This is a child, but it's not a boy.
This is a very special day. You have cake, candles, and presents.
It's in a car, bus, or truck. It's round, and the driver uses it to go around corners.
steering wheel
This is a season, it comes after Spring. It's hot and you don't have to go to school.
This is a season. It is after Fall and before Spring. It might snow and be cold.
You have to charge this. It has a screen and a keyboard, and you can do your homework on it.
You can get this at McDonalds or most restaurants. It comes between two buns, and has cheese and ketchup on it.
You leave this behind if you walk in the snow or mud. It's the shape of your feet.
This is a fruit. It can be large. It's green on the outside, pink or red inside, and has seeds.
You have two of these. They have elbows on them. Sometimes sleeves cover them up.
It's white and looks like powder. You need it to bake bread, cookies, and cake.
There were many different kinds, but now they are gone. There was a t-rex, a brontosaurus, and a stegosaurus.
This is big, scary and pretend. It breathes fire. Maybe it flies, who really knows?
This is a secondary color. It's made from blue and red. Sometimes grapes are this color, or popsicles, or unicorn horns.
This has land and water and an atmosphere. It is round and orbits the sun. It's a planet with people on it.
This has no corners. It's perfectly round. It's a shape.
These come in a box of 8, 16, 24, or 48 or more. You use them at school, at home, or in art class. They come in many many colors.
This comes in a box. You eat it for breakfast. You can pour milk on it.
This comes in brown, black, or white. It can live in the woods, the snow, or a zoo. It hibernates in winter, and it's baby is a cub.
This has four legs, a tail, and and lives in the woods. It has antlers, and its baby is a fawn.
Your house has at least one. You can open it or close it, but don't slam it!
Some people have none, some have a lot. Sometimes people cut it, curl it, dry it, straighten it, shave it, or brush it.
You take these everywhere you go. You have ten of them. You need them to type.
This is a fruit. It's juicy and round and has a peel. It's color has the same name as the fruit.
This is a place. They have aisles and shelves and a cash register. You can buy things there.
This is white, squishy, and sticky. You can roast it. You can eat it in a s'more.
This means stop. It is a punctuation mark. It goes at the end of a sentence.
This is sticky and sweet. It comes from trees. You can pour it on pancakes.
Adults and kids play with these. There are usually 52 of them. They come in hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds.
You need two of these. They go on your feet. You only wear them in the house, maybe with pajamas.
These are made of cloth. They hang from a rod. You can open and close them. They hang over the windows.
This is long and mostly straight. You cross it when you are in a car sometimes. Trains ride on it.
This has a head, arms, and legs. It wears clothes, but can't breathe. You might see it in a corn field.
This is a place. It has headstones. You can go here to remember someone who has passed away.
It's a secondary color. It's made from blue and yellow, and it's the color of celery and spinach.
It's part of your body, but you can't see it. It's in your head. It helps you think and remember.
It's made of flour. You could bake it at home, or buy it. It comes in a loaf, and you can use it to make a sandwich.
You see it in the sky once in a while. You can never touch it. It's very colorful, and comes out after it rains.
This is the first color in a rainbow, the color of blood, and sometimes fire trucks.
This is a kind of furniture. You might have one in your living room and a few in your dining room, and many in your classroom. You sit on it.
Tires are made of this. The duckie in your bathtub might be made of this too.
You get it at a grocery store. You keep it in the refrigerator. It can be yellow. You spread it on toast.
This is very light. You might find one on the ground. It comes in different colors. Birds have them on their bodies.
It comes in many colors. You use it at home or school. You can write on it or rip it, or even make an airplane out of it..
You might have one in your pocket. It can be made of paper. You can buy something with it.
This can be scary, but it's not real. It might live under your bed, if it were real.
This can be in a garage. It has 4 wheels and seatbelts. You need a license to drive it.
It's wild and lives in a jungle or a zoo. It has stripes. It's orange and black.
It's made of glass. It has a lid. Jelly, pickles, and honey come in one.