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The Human Body

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Usain Bolt was the fastest recorded human ever. How fast did he run? a. 40.5km/hr b. 44.5km/hr c. 48.5km/hr d. 55.5 km/hr
B. 44.5 km/hr (27.5 m.p.h)
The heaviest man recorded, John Brower Minnoch from the USA was how heavy? a. 435kg b. 535kg c. 635kg
C. 635kg (1,400 pounds)
How short was the shortest person, Chandra Bahadur Dangi of Nepal? a. 54.6 cm b. 58.6cm c. 60.2cm
A. 54.6cm (1 ft, 9 and 1/2 inches)
How tall was Robert Wadlow, the tallest man ever recorded? a. 1.82m b. 2.22m c. 2.43m d. 2.72m
d. 2.72m (8 ft, 11 inches)
Jeanne Calment from France was the oldest recorded person. What age did she die? a. 110 b. 117 c. 120 d. 122 e. 127
122 1/2
What are these blood cells called that fight germs in your body? (hint: look at the color)
White blood cells
What is the name of the blue blood vessels (tubes) that take blood away from your body to your heart?
What is the name of the red blood vessels (tubes) that take blood away from your heart and send it to the rest of your body?
What is the strongest muscle in the human body? a. tongue b. jaw c. heart d. legs
B. Jaw (chewing) it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars
What is the human body part that moves the fastest? a. the eye b. the heart c. the lungs d. the legs
The eye
You will die if you go without this for 11 days. Is it..... a. water b. food c. sleep d. chocolate
C. Sleep
What is it called when your face turns red when you are embarrassed?
Also called the patella, it's the name for the bone on the front of your knee.
Knee cap
What organ of your body makes up about 2% of your body weight but takes up about 20% of your energy?
The brain
Count Dracula has extra large what? a. incisors b. canines c. premolars d. molars.
B. canines
This sensory organ in dogs is 20 times more powerful than humans.
Nose (smell)
You have millions of these that connect to your spinal cord and allow to you feel sensations.
Neurons (Nerve cells)
How many hairs does the average human have on their head? a. 10,000 b. 100,000 c. 1,000,000
B. 100,000
The human body is composed of 60% of what substance?
What is this finger called?
What has this woman shaved?
Her eyebrows
What is this?
Belly Button
What is the name of this organ that digests food?
What is the name of this organ of the body?