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Gerund or infinitive?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He was afraid ... (touch) the dog in case it bit him.
to touch
The carpet needs ... (hoover) as soon as possible.
hoovering / to be hoovered
She didn't let him ... (finish) the sentence.
I really enjoy ... (learn) about stars and planets, it's so fascinating!
Would you rather .... (go) to the cinema or ... (stay) in tonight?
go, stay
I'd love ... (see) your performance in this movie, when is it going to be out in the theatres?
to see
Most of the days he spends ... (play) video games.
He says he loves ... (watch) sunsets on the beach.
Do you remember ... (ride) a bicycle for the first time?
I regret ... (inform) you that your husband has been arrested.
to inform
He was promoted in 2012 and went on ... (become) the company director.
to become
I'd prefer ... (pretend) I didn't hear what you just said.
to pretend
What do you mean ... (do) with all that money?
to do
"Why is the baby crying?" "I think he wants ... (feed)."
I'll never forget ... (sail) through that storm in the Atlantic.
Try ... (phone) John at the office if he's not at home.
He said he was sorry for ... (speak) to you so rudely.
If you don't stop ... (smoke), you'll make yourself ill.
She regrets ... (spend) so much money on her new dress .
The band went on ... (play) even after the lights had gone out.
Oh no! I totally forgot ... (turn off) the cooker.
to turn off
I tried my best ... (finish), but there just wasn't enough time.
to finish
Playing a musical instrument well means ... (practise) for years.
Tom stopped ... (pick up) his washing on the way home.
to pick up
I was sorry ... (hear) about you failing the exam.
to hear