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Taxes and Duties

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There are several types of taxes, including income, Social Security, sales, property, and excise taxes.
In an effort to keep citizens healthy, France imposed a “soda tax” on all carbonated soft drinks in 2012.
The first known taxes were in Mesopotamia almost 5,000 years ago.
There are 40 different types of taxes in Brazil
Fase! There are 94.
A person who is convicted for tax evasion in the USA is subject to a fine, but not to a prison sentence.
False! They are subject to both!
The highest corporate tax rate in the world belongs to the United Arab Emirates.
When purchasing goods online, some or all of these goods may not originate in the country you reside in, therefore are not subject to a customs duty.
Sweden has the highest income tax rate in the world.
Americans must work 4 days into the year to afford their tax bills
False! 114 days!
Duties and taxes are most typically not included in the price of the goods you purchase online. True or False?