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Texas Trivia

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Can you name a state that borders TX?
Lousiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico
What is the name of the largest river in Texas?
Rio Grande
What is the large body of water on the coast of TX?
Gulf of Mexico
The Dallas Stars were originally from another state. Which one?
Minnesota. They used to be the Minnesota North Stars!
What professional basketball teams does TX have?
Mavericks, Rockets, Spurs
Name a professional baseball team in TX
Rangers, Astros
Texas has 2 professional football teams. What are they?
Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans
What does "Tejas" mean?
Only 1 state is bigger than TX, which one?
How did TX help get a man on the moon?
They trained at NASA in Houston.
Nuts from the state tree can be turned into a delicious pie, what is the state tree?
What is the state bird?
The mockingbird
What is the state flower?
What is "black gold"?
What is the capital of Texas?
Do you know the state song?
Texas, Our Texas
What is the state small mammal?
The armadillo
What is the state mammal?
The longhorn
What is Texas' nickname?
The Lone Star State
Who was Lyndon B. Johnson?
Former president of the United States