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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the fashion in the picture (adjective).
trendy, beautiful, sleek, classic, glamorous ...
Name three adjectives to describe your university.
large, good, interesting, expensive, green, ...
Use an adjective to describe the man on the left.
Use an adjective to describe the man on the right.
Use an adjective to describe the picture.
delicious, tasty, good, cheesy ....
Adjectives describe nouns. What are some adjectives to describe fashion? Name at least three (pg 28)
fashionable, flashy, glamorous, old-fashioned, retro, tacky, trendy, weird ...
What did you use to have?
- I used to have an iPhone. - I used to have a black pen. - I used to have a lot of money. ...
Use "used to" make a sentence about an activity you no longer do.
- I used to play piano when I was in elementary school. - I used to play soccer ten years ago. - I used to like coffee. ...
Use "used to" make a sentence about an activity you no longer do.
- I used to play piano when I was in elementary school. - I used to play soccer ten years ago. - I used to like coffee. ...
Make a sentence using the adverb suddenly
Suddenly, it started to rain.
What's the past tense of disgust?
What are some phrases you can use to 'close' a conversation?
- Listen, I've got to run. - Sorry, I have to go. - I'm just heading out now, talk later. ...
When you begin a conversation you sometimes use "announcing news" phrases. Give some examples.
- Did you hear what happened? - You'll never guess what I heard! - Guess what? ...
Construct the sentence using both past continuous and simple past tense (use the grammar box on page 15 as a reference). cook dinner / my mother / call / when
- I was cooking dinner when my mother called me.
What's the past tense of 'think'?
What's the past tense of 'remember'?
Make a sentence using the adverb 'luckily'
Ex: - Luckily, I got an 'A' on my assignment. - Luckily, I found $10 in my pocket.
What were they doing last night?
They were playing soccer last night.
Construct a sentence using the past continuous: study / last summer / English / England
Ex: - I was studying English in England last summer. - Last summer, I was studying English in England.
Complete the sentence: "I ___ to Italy last year and I ___ amazing pasta."
I went/tralvelled to Italy last year and I ate/had amazing pasta.
What's the past tense of 'lost'? And make a sentence
Lost. "I lost my wallet at the bus station.'
Name three adverbs that describe how Usain Bolt runs.
fast, rapidly, quickly, well, great, amazingly
What were you doing yesterday?
Ex: 1) I was studying yesterday. 2) I was drinking soju yesterday. 3) I was relaxing at home yesterday. ...
What is the past tense of the verb 'bring'?
What did you do last weekend?
Ex: 1 ) I 'met' my friends last weekend. 2) I 'went' to Busan last weekend. 3) I 'played' computer games last weekend.