Edit Game
Upper - Lesson 18

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer the question: Talk about your neighborhood.
Answer the question: Talk about your house.
Answer the question: Talk about your hobbies.
Answer the question: Talk about the food you like.
Answer the question: Talk about your work/school.
Answer the question: Talk about your family.
Answer the question: Talk about your close friends.
Agree using "I": I shouldn't go to bed late.
Neither should I. / I shouldn't either.
Agree using "I": I'm not sick.
Neither am I. / I'm not either.
Agree using "I": I don't speak Japanese.
Neither do I. / I don't either.
Agree using "I": I can't swim.
Neither can I. / I can't either.
Agree using "I": I won't go home.
Neither will I. / I won't either.
Agree using "I": I didn't spend the money.
Neither did I. / I didn't either.
Agree using "I": I should go now.
So should I.
Agree using "I": I have a new bike.
So do I.
Agree using "I": I can ride a horse.
So can I.
Agree using "I": I took the train.
So did I.
Agree using "I": I will go to work.
So will I.
Agree using "I": I am a student.
So am I.